Directed by Jean de Rovera.
- 1924
- 8 minutes
- 1.33:1 1080p AVC
- Silent/Score PCM 2.0 Mono
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Spine #387 ©1963 The Criterion Collection[/caption]
(Dimanche à Pekin)
[caption id="attachment_11734" align="alignnone" width="750"] ©1956 Soda Pictures/Argos Films[/caption]
Spine #543 ©1916 The Criterion Collection (Bonus short)[/caption]
Spine #904 ©1991 The Criterion Collection (Bonus short)[/caption]
Spine #896 ©2010 The Criterion Collection (Bonus short)[/caption]
Spine #896 ©2007 The Criterion Collection (Bonus short)[/caption]
Spine #558 ©1992 The Criterion Collection (Bonus short)[/caption]
Spine #307 ©1993 The Criterion Collection (Bonus short)[/caption]