Directed by David Cronenberg.
- 1979
- 92 minutes
- 1.78:1 1080p AVC
- English PCM 1.0
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Spine #765 ©1979 The Criterion Collection[/caption]
James Bond #11 ©1979 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists[/caption]
Spine #757 ©1979 The Criterion Collection[/caption]
©1979 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/Orion Pictures[/caption]
©1979 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists[/caption]
Spine #724 ©1979 The Criterion Collection[/caption]
Spine #384 ©1979 The Criterion Collection[/caption]
©1979 Lionsgate/American Zoetrope[/caption]
Spine #697 ©1979 The Criterion Collection[/caption]